Enjoy the best flamenco show in Seville, where you will feel very close to the roots of flamenco art in its three aspects. For one hour, you will be able to delight yourself with flamenco singing, guitar and dance, which will awaken all the passion you have inside you.
From 13 to 64 years old
Over 64 years
Students (with ID) 13-25 years
From 6 to 12 years old
Our show lasts one hour and, at the end, you will be able to talk and take photos with our flamenco singers, guitarists and dancers.
Come and feel the passion and rhythm of live flamenco next to the cathedral of Seville! Our artists will transport you to the deepest corners of your soul – don’t miss this unique and unforgettable experience!
Daily shows
Duration each show
Satisfied visitors
Days a year